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Who or What is being called on UN World Calling Day?

  • 25 May 2024

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Who or What is being called on UN World Calling Day?

The decisions and actions of the Global Elite, who dream of a great reset, are influenced by the religion they believe in.


The Lucis Trust was originally founded as the Lucifer Publishing Company and was inspired by the works of Helena Blavatsky. The organisation also contributed to the establishment of the UN library and celebrates World Search Day on 23 May, which takes place every year on the full moon of Gemini. The group claims to summon invisible forces to direct world affairs on this special date each year.


What is the Lucis Trust looking for on 23 May?

What is this group doing at the UN?

Or should we ask how the religion of the globalists influences their decisions and actions?


In this article, we will seek answers to all these questions. The expert we will consult is Dr Mathew Maavak. Maavak says that this group calls Satan and Antichrist to rule the world...


We have summarised his article for you.


What is Lucis Trust doing on World Calling Day?


The Lucis Trust continues to celebrate World Calling Day with enthusiasm this year. This event, which has taken place every year since 1952 on the full moon of Gemini, coincides with astrological alignment. The Great Invocation is at the centre of the event and is used to invoke the spiritual energies of light, love and purpose. This powerful mantra is recited by people around the world to contribute to the evolution of humanity and the progress of our planet.


The Great Invocation may seem daunting to some because of its focus on attracting "light" and "what is to come" to Earth. However, the Lucis Trust believes that through the use of the Great Invocation, people can build a bridge between the spiritual and material worlds.


Christ, the embodiment of universal love, directs activities as the leader of the group. The World Teacher, known as "The Coming One", works on behalf of all humanity and offers the highest expression of human potential. The call to the "Coming One" in the Great Invocation expresses the desire to reach this higher potential.


Despite years of use, the occult appears to have undergone a dark transformation. Biblical texts may have been altered to show fallen angels and Lucifer in a favourable light. Theosophists believe that he will come as a mystical figure, Maitreya.


The Lucifer Connection:


In 1952, on World Invocation Day, the Lucis Trust, with the support of Eleanor Roosevelt, endorsed the UN Declaration of Human Rights with the Great Invocation, an initiative supported by the global elite. This shows that the UN can have strong supporters to counterbalance the influence of the Communist Party. However, a complete list of the Trust's supporters is very difficult to obtain today.


'Let there be light';


The Lucis Trust is an influential theosophical organisation at the UN. Founded by Alice Bailey, it has devoted thirty years to the study and development of the theosophical system of esoteric thought. Bailey claimed that her works were telepathically transmitted to her by a Master of Wisdom. Djwal Khul is described as 'an unjustly maligned altruistic angel' and recognised as 'one of the Mahatmas of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Masters of Ancient Wisdom'.

The publishing arm of the Lucis Trust was formerly known as the Lucifer Publishing Company. The organisation's aims include an effort to unite different faiths under a single religion. Bailey, who was educated in Christianity while married to an Episcopalian minister, saw Lucifer as an 'unjustly maligned sacrificial angel' and expressed a desire to create a global 'spirit of religion' based society.

The occult ideals of Bailey and his theosophist colleagues and their influence on global politics raise questions about the sources of these ideas.


UN Connection;


The Lucis Trust is a New York-based non-governmental organisation that provides support to the United Nations through training, grants and working groups. The Trust also encourages organisations to support the UN through meditation, invocation, and prayer. The United Nations Meditation Room at the UN Headquarters in New York is open to the public. The Foundation externally supports the esoteric aims of the UN, avoiding conflicts of interest and controversies. In addition, the official website features a photo of Greta Thunberg with the UN Secretary-General.

The esoteric aims of the United Nations seem to have been appropriately transferred to the Lucis Trust in order to avoid controversy and conflicts of interest.


'The Future One'


The Bible says that the Antichrist and the False Prophet are the Coming One and the World Teacher. Lucis' followers believe in 'enlightened beings' who are fallen angels causing worldwide chaos. The Eye Opener shows how the UN organises an annual ritual to summon Satan and the Antichrist.




We would like to add our view to Dr Mathew Maavak's article.


The mysterious aims of the United Nations have been conveniently transferred to the Lucis Trust in order to avoid controversy and conflicts of interest. This raises the possibility that this organisation, with its mission to ensure peace and security on an international platform, has deeper and more mysterious objectives. However, the main purpose of the United Nations is to maintain world peace and promote international co-operation. In this case, we can say that the UN is a threat to the future of humanity.


While this article addresses critical issues that every individual who values the dignity and freedom of humanity should be aware of, it is not to create the illusion that the global elites and their collaborators scattered all over the world are "invincible."  On the contrary, it is to reveal the fact that they will never achieve their goals against humanity, such as the "Great Reset,"  as long as people do not allow them. Not allowing them will be the beginning of bad news for them.
Arise and warn, and put a stop to evil.


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