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Aiming for World Conquest

  • 01 Jun 2024

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Aiming for World Conquest


The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire has been seeking world domination through "conquests" for five hundred years.


What does Anglo-American mean?


Anglo-American is a term describing people of British descent and usually includes people from the region known as Anglo-America. The term is used to refer to Americans of British descent in North America, where English is widely spoken. Anglo-America describes a cultural region of North America dominated by English and includes mainly the English-speaking regions of the United States and Canada. This region is notable for its English-derived cultural influences and historical heritage.


In the seventeenth century, English pioneers travelled to the New World in search of freedom. Thomas Bliss, after being subjected to persecution by King Charles I and Archbishop Laud, left England and arrived in Massachusetts in 1638.


The Bliss family played an important role in the country's independence during the American Revolutionary War and later became a pioneer in the industrial sector. In the late 19th century, wealthy individuals such as Cecil Rhodes and Nathaniel Rothschild used their wealth to ‘make America part of the British Empire’. In this process, the influence of Rhodes and Rothschild was particularly evident on industrialisation and imperial policies.


The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 provided for the establishment of a central bank to ensure economic stability in the United States. This law was decisive in strengthening the financial system of the United States, especially during its participation in the First World War. On the other hand, the Council on Foreign Relations, established in 1921, is defined as an independent and impartial think tank and conducts various researches in the field of international relations in order to shape US policies. It is known that the Morgan and Rockefeller families provided financial support to this organisation.


Between 1940 and 1941, the Council on Foreign Relations worked on long-term strategies to ensure military superiority worldwide. The Cold War that started after the Second World War and the formation of the National Security State deeply affected the global balance of power. During this period, ideological divisions became more pronounced in the economic, military and political spheres and the bipolar world structure led to security dilemmas.


In 1991, the Wolfowitz Doctrine, a document prepared by Paul Wolfowitz, Under Secretary for Policy at the US Department of Defence, and leaked to the public, was defined as a foreign policy strategy explaining the objectives of the United States to maintain its supremacy as a superpower and to prevent potential rivals. This doctrine emphasises the US policy of maintaining its position as the sole superpower and blocking any threatening initiatives by other nations.


During the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, American foreign policy was shaped around the principle of ‘full spectrum dominance’. This principle, as a prominent theme in national security strategies under the guise of counterterrorism, was influential during both presidencies. Although the counterterrorism and national security policies of both presidents differed, they played an important role in determining the general direction of American foreign policy. It has been stated that under George W. Bush, the war metaphor was adopted in the fight against terrorism, but during his second term, CVE policies began to attract attention; under Barack Obama, CVE policies began to be included, implemented and developed under the influence of the severe consequences of Bush's war metaphor approach, but these policies had some Islamophobic consequences.


The neocons may have contributed to bringing the United States to the brink of a potential Third World War with Russia, Iran, China, BRICS+ and the majority of the world. The recent developments in Ukraine and Gaza have focused the attention of these great powers.


Influential organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the Biden administration are considered by some experts to be the prelude to Armageddon, where the efforts of the global elite to maintain its financial supremacy could bring about the end of the world and force God to bring about Armageddon.


While this article addresses critical issues that every individual who values the dignity and freedom of humanity should be aware of, it is not to create the illusion that the global elites and their collaborators scattered all over the world are ‘invincible’, but to reveal the fact that they will never achieve their goals against humanity, such as the ‘Great Reset’, unless people allow them to do so. Not allowing them will be the beginning of bad news for them.
Arise and warn, and put a stop to evil.


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