Who has the upper hand?
28 Apr 2024
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Who has the upper hand?
Global elites gain power and control by claiming to fight so-called misinformation and disinformation!
The Global Elites believe that their current power structure and their capacity to implement their program to permanently destroy human freedom is at risk. If there is not a broad and comprehensive opposition and counter-opposition, they can advance towards and achieve their goal of establishing an authoritarian, totalitarian world government. This is considered a version of modern communism and assumes that global elites remain in power while the general population lives without access to more limited resources.
Who are the Global Elite Organizations of the World?
Today, government agencies, international government organizations, large corporations and leading foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Welcome Trust and the Rockefeller Foundation play an important role in shaping the world. These organizations support initiatives ranging from COVID-19 protocols to tackling climate change, from strengthening democracy to digital currencies and mRNA vaccines.
They also support reforms that promote diversity, inclusion and equality, such as questioning long-accepted cultural norms, normalizing gender reassignment, fighting against racial discrimination, and supporting LGBT+ rights and gender equality initiatives. In addition, policies that facilitate mass illegal migration have been an important agenda item for the cooperative governments of some states.
It is clear that the Global Elite Institutions are making the world a darker place and that future developments will reduce the quality of life for children and young adults who will live another 50 to 80 years. For example, it has been acknowledged that the World Health Organization has made serious errors in policy and guidance related to its response to COVID-19. Members of the ruling class have also admitted that they have sought power and control and have been misguided in their handling of the important issues of our time.
Who will win in the end?
States and governments, in cooperation with organizations such as the United Nations, Davos, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, etc., take steps to limit people's rights to free movement in pursuit of their authoritarian goals. However, those who oppose such negative actions outnumber them around the world. The key to turning this numerical superiority into an effective force is the strengthening of alternative media platforms. The growing influence of alternative media outlets is a source of hope for those who support skeptical thinking and independent expression.
The fight against evil will be shaped by billions of people who may not even know this war exists. The global elites and their collaborators may be unaware of, or may not care about, the reactions of the people they govern to the daily struggle for survival. Underlying the rulers' disregard for these reactions may be a lack of interest in issues of freedom and perhaps a trust in the Global Elite's promise to protect their collaborators.
The biggest war in the history of the world is likely to be fought on the shoulders of millions, but billions of people who are unaware of the risks of the Great Reset will also have a role to play. But the Global Elites, like something out of a dystopian movie script, are trying to disinform and misinform citizens and neutralize those who seek the truth.
Labeling millions of people as disinformation producers makes the process of convincing billions of people even more difficult for the Global Elites. Only when humanity recognizes the true masters of disinformation can a real victory be achieved.
In raising important issues that everyone who values freedom should be aware of, this article is not intended to create the perception that the global elites and their collaborators scattered around the world are invincible. Rather, it is to expose the fact that they will never achieve their goals, such as the "Great Reset", unless the people allow them to do so.
Stand up and warn, and stop the evil